Saturday, June 13, 2009


Yesterday I went to 五稜郭公園 (goryokyaku kouen), what was once a star shaped fort built in the middle of the 19th century. Now, however, it's a beautifully landscaped public park where locals walk their dogs and children (and frolicking college students) play on the playground and swingsets.

An aerial picture, stolen from the interwebs

Unfortunately, the part of the original fort being restored isn't slated to open until next summer, but it seems I will be in town for a summer festival celebrating the history of the area. We found all this out when we asked a park employee about the stage and stands that were already under constuction in the park. Not only did she give us flyers for the festival and a brief rundown of the local history, she also pointed us to the stand where we could rent rowboats to row around the moat.

The moat (you can't tell that it's infested with water plants)

We're on a boat!

Helen, Leah, and I quickly piled into a boat without much forethought (None of us have much upper body strength or any rowing experience, and all the boys were in the other boats.) The result was a glorious sendoff in which we crashed backwards into a bridge support near our dock while the next boat cruised past effortlessly. We eventually got the hang of rowing (one person per oar) and even matched a nearby duck for speed, getting back around the fort to the boat launch just in time to avoid paying a fine for going beyond our 45 minute rental.

Afterwards, we wandered around the nearby town, stopping at an arcade to make girly photo stickers and marvel at the amazing Engrish.

Rising is the name of the arcade...
It is the century arrival to an amusement.
RISING reverses common sense.
Please spend the pleasant time of a thrill and excitement.

After a delicious dinner at a sobaya we went out for karaoke, singing such Japanese class classics as sobaniirune and SMAP's 世界にひとつだけの花 leading to the unfortunate realization that I'd forgotten most of the songs beyond the chorus. I guess I need to practice my J-pop.

1 comment:

  1. "Please spend the pleasant time of a thrill and excitement."

    Maybe this should be Light's Logo? =)
