Friday, June 19, 2009

First week and homestay!

I've officially made it through the first week of classes, and more importantly, I finally got to meet and move in with my host family. My host mom (okaasan) is incredibly sweet and fortunately very accostumed to deciphering ungrammatical Japanese after ten years as a host mother.

Me and my okaasan!

I had my first dance lesson today, which went pretty well considering I've never done it before and I have to dance with feet turned inward (ie work against sixteen years of ballet training).

Note how I am not correctly hiding behing my fan

The sensei is a very friendly older woman who offers classes in traditional arts like dance, ikebana (flower arranging), and tea ceremony. Speaking of which, we got to take part in a tea ceremony done by the sadou club from a nearby high school. The ceremony is a series of very ritualized movements in the making and serving of green tea.


Beyond all the various cultural activities HIF offers, Saito-sensei keeps us pretty busy with lots of homework. This weekend I have a couple worksheets and two essays in addition to vocab and kanji. (Yikes!) Better start writing...

1 comment:

  1. i feel like you are experiencing more japanese stuff than i had in the past....

