Thursday, July 9, 2009

Tanabata (and Midterm Exam Shippai)

Tuesday (7/7) was Tanabata matsuri here in Hakodate. Tanabata is mostly a Hakodate-only affair, though I think there are variations elsewhere in Hokkaido. The modern version involves yukata-clad kids going door-to-door singing and begging for candy... well, not just candy, also rice crackers, toys, water balloons, fish treats, and frozen snacks. The sound of childrens' voices rings through the neighborhood and crowds of hovering okaasantachi escort the kids and tote the overly large bags of collected loot.

adorable kids crowding round for candy
Another Tanabata tradition is to write your wishes on colorful scraps of paper and tie them to branches... I wished to become ぺらぺら, but that's probably a bit beyond the range of Tanabata magic.
Tanabata wishes
My okaasan and I accompanied her friend's children around the neighborhood... a welcome excuse to marvel at cuteness (Japanese school children in Pikachu yukatas) and avoid studying for my midterm exam.
I survived a nerve-wracking speech contest without forgetting my lines only for a glorious しっぱい (fail) on today's exam. Oh well... at least tomorrow I'm heading off for Sapporo!
Now for some random photos:

me and my otousan

me and my dance sensei

Spot the Engrish!


  1. カクテルの英語がおかしい・・・

  2. I am also a fan of the "sparkring wine"...
