Sunday, July 19, 2009

A comment

The Japanese are famous for their politeness and understatement, and I knew that as a culture they aren't terribly big on public displays of affection, but it's really hit home for me in the past couple days.

My host sister Reina was home from boarding school this week for only four days before heading off to New Zealand. She'll be studying abroad for six months, but when okaasan said goodbye to her, it was a simple kiotsukete (take care) and a handshake. It seemed odd to me, but glancing around the airport I realized there was no kissing, no tearful "I'll miss you", and no goodbye hugs. The arrivals gate was the same way when we picked up my other sister Sachi later that day, people greeting each other with words instead of embraces.

As an outsider looking in it seemed odd... I've grown up in a culture where I take such public displays of affection for granted. I was reminded of the culture gap again tonight when I watched a TV show where a girl wins a trip to Britain. Upon arriving in the airport and seeing a reunited couple kiss she exclaims hontouni gaikokudesunee (it's really a foreign country, isn't it!)

On a related note, I wonder how my okaasan feels about her ever-dispersed family-- with both kids in boarding school and dad away for cycling about half the time, it must get very lonely. I think this might be part of the reason she's offered to host exchange students, but it feels intrusive to ask...

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